If you take one of these full tags, for example: HCShipSettlerWagons1, edit to look like: HCShipSettlerWagons1 and place it inbetween in the above you will get this card. If you scroll down to the tag you will see a list of all available cards. Like I said you can indeed edit which cards your city has. Something to do with how fast you gain xp? Unknown.

You can set a big value in here to get lots of points to buy cards/customizations. This one controls the name of your civilization, changing this will not change your civilization type, only the name. Thise one controls which civilization file you are using for this city. Email me more information on the unknown ones if you know. I will explain what each of the tags mean to my knowlege. Which cards you have are also handled in this file, although editing them might be a little trickier. You may edit these to any values you want. Right at the top you should see some tags for city name, xp, level, etc. Your "My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Savegame" directory and open sp_homecity.xml in a text editor.

Change the value of this to whatever value you want the crates to hold. All of these entries will have a tag named "InitialResourceCount".

You will find CrateofFood, CrateofCoin, CrateofWood, CrateofFoodLarge, CrafteofCoinLarge, and CrateofWoodLarge. Make sure the file is not set to read only in properties. Open proto.xml in the data folder in the main game directory with a text editor. All of these have been written by me, but I did get my ideas from various sites. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP BACKUPS BEFORE EDITING. Here is a listing of other things you can do to "cheat" or edit to change gameplay settings. Real Time Strategy > PC > Age of Empires III > Editing